A company representative stated at the conference that non-compliant dealers would be punished with either fines or cancelled contracts. 公司一位代表在会议上称,违规的经销商将面临罚款或取消合同等处罚。
Overwhelmingly, consumers were inclined to go to company websites, seek out people they feel are "in the know," or talk to a company representative. 调研显示,占压倒性多数的消费者喜欢直接访问公司官网,去找那些他们眼中的“业内人士”,或者直接接洽公司销售代表。
At IOD, an electrical company representative said his company plans to use Informix to collect electrical usage readings every minute for each house. 在IOD,一名电力公司代表说他的公司计划使用Informix每分钟为每个房间收集用电度数。
As your company's representative, your phone manners should be impeccable. 作为你公司的代表,电话对话的礼貌不应该有不合理的地方。
All our rooms are opened to long term renting for business people, company or representative office in Beijing ect., rental rates are negotiatable by meeting us. 北京馨逸家商务旅游公寓住所全部房间,接受国内外商务人士,公司及驻京办事处等长期租赁,价格面议。
Company indemnifies Representative and shall hold it harmless for any loss, damages, expenses, claims and demands arising from a failure by Company to perform any part of this agreement. 公司作为赔偿代理人,保护其免于因遵行合约受阻时而引起的任何损失,赔偿,损耗,申诉和索赔等。
When required by Company, Representative shall provide Company with a copy or certificate of Representative's public liability insurance. 当公司要求时,代表人应该给公司提供保险副本或者投保证明书。
The company may change the company representative at any time and shall give written notification to the contractor of the change. 业主可在任何时候更换业主代表,并且应将此更换书面通知承包商。
Here, a company representative let some party guests take a peek under the hood. 在这里,让一些公司的代表参加党的嘉宾引擎盖下偷看。
The Company representative must be informed of any changes in the following. 如有下列任何变化发生,必须向甲方代表报告。
Any amendment, discharge or waiver of the provision of this contract by the company must be expressly given in writing by the company representative and shall be limited to the particular instance described therein. 业主对本合同的任何修改、免除或对合同规定的弃权必须由业主代表以书面形式明确做出,且仅限于本合同中描述的特殊情况。
By written notice to the contractor, the company representative may at any time delegate any of his authority to any nominated deputy. 业主代表在任何时候均可书面通知承包商将其权力委托给指定代理人。
Contractor shall not release requisitions for purchase of equipment or material prior to company's approval of the quality plan unless specifically approved in writing by the company representative. 除非业主代表明确书面认可,承包商不应在业主的质量计划认可之前,泄露设备或材料的请购单。
Details of our company and our company representative are attached herewith. 随附本公司的资料及本公司代表的资料。
Find an appropriate opportunity during the event and let the company representative know that you are from another university, and have made the extra effort to attend the event. 找寻合适的机会让公司代表知道你来自其他院校,为了参加这次活动颇费了一番功夫。
All instructions, decisions and information made under the provisions of the contract by either party shall be notified and received only by the company representative or contractor representative or their nominated deputy. 合同一方根据合同条款规定作出的所有指示、决定和消息应以通知形式发送,并且只能由业主代表、承包商代表或其指定的代表接收。
Except as expressly stated in the contract, the company representative has no power to amend, extend or terminate the contract nor to waive any rights of the company in respect of any antecedent breaches of the contract. 除本合同明确规定外,否则业主代表无权变更、延长或终止合同,也无权放弃业主享有的因先前违约而产生的权利。
The current versions of these lists will be made available to contractor by company upon written request from contractor to the company representative. 承包商向业主代表提出书面申请之后,业主将向承包商提供这些清单的当前版本。
Analytical from the company law angle, the writer thinks that of this phenomenon and our country company Legal Representative system exists the inside contact. 从公司法的角度分析,笔者认为这一现象与我国公司法定代表人制度之间存在着内在联系。
Second, the premises have a certain line of a listed company representative, and its periodic external financial reporting, data collection and data easily. 其次,房地行上市公司具有一定的代表性,且其定期向外提供财务报告,资料与数据易于搜集。
Establishment of company registration system, the company will present the company representative registration elements of modernism to antagonisms, the effective protection of corporate interests at stake. 建立公司登记公司制度,将现行公司代表人登记要件主义修改为对抗主义,切实保护公司利害关系人的利益。
It is based on the legal nature of the different perceptions that result in the company representative system on two legal systems there is a significant difference. 正是基于对法人本质的不同认识,导致在公司代表人制度上两大法系存在着显著差异。
Although the essence of corporate personality to form a variety of doctrine, but as a form of economic organization, its behavior is ultimately needed a specific natural person or natural person collection of the company representative. 虽然对于法人人格的本质形成了多种学说,但作为一种经济组织,其行为最终需要借助于特定的自然人或自然人集合体即公司代表人来实现。
Foreign banks can join in Chinese financial system by setting up a branch company, representative office or holding local banks 'shares. 外资银行可以通过开设分公司、代表处或者持有当地银行的股份进入中国的金融体系。
DC Company is representative of the many startups as a research subject. DC公司是众多创业型公司的一个代表,作为本文研究对象。
Civil law countries and regions more advocate body really said, and in law are expressly provided for in the company representative system. 大陆法系国家和地区多主张法人实在说,因此在法律上都明确规定公司代表人制度。
The first is to develop a market economy to solve the economic defects, the second is to break the "rule by man" type, and the third is to establish a decentralized company representative system. 一是发展市场经济解决制度弊端;二是打破以人治企的定式;三是建立分权型的公司代表人制度。
While the company representative system of production, development and company and corporate governance structure of the establishment, development are inseparable. 而公司代表人制度的产生、发展与公司乃至公司治理结构的建立、发展密不可分。
As a traditional state-owned coal enterprise, the P Company is representative. So, its human resource planning is significant and can be referred to by the similar other enterprises on condition that studies about the human resource planning of the coal enterprise are relatively few at present. 作为一个传统国有煤炭企业,P公司有一定的代表性,在目前研究煤炭企业人力资源规划相对少的情况下,它的人力资源规划对类似的其他企业有一定的参考和借鉴意义。
And with the user communication is most important to the project success influence. H Company is representative of small and medium projects enterprise. 特别是与用户沟通,对项目成功影响最为突出。H公司是具有代表性的中小型IT项目实践企业,本文即切入H公司,侧重研究其与用户的项目沟通管理过程。